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An extraordinary story of a 19-year old girl . Born with profound sensory neural hearing loss, Malsawmi has never had a chance to hear a thing clearly in her life. The struggle to understand why she is this way is not an extraordinary affair, but a family concern as attempts are made by the family to reclaim her sense of hearing. But when doctor inform the family that she is going to spend the rest of her life without the pleasure of sound, the family is devasted. Life gets worse as Malsawmi grows older and increasingly finds herself unable to fit in. Questions on why she is born this way begins to haunt her. Just when the prospect of ever living like a normal human being seems to evaporate, hope shows up in the form of a special school for children like- or much more disadvantaged tan- her. Better still, she realizes that she is not at all shut out by society because of her condition and continues her life despite the problems and challenges she has to face. Today, the sanguine Malsawmi bedazzles everyone with her phenomenal dance moves, her involvement at local church and society, her sense of friendliness, and simply put her charming beauty that is natural only to special people.

Duration (minutes)


Year of Production



Napoleon RZ Thanga


Napoleon RZ Thanga

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